He founded the Hindu kingdom in the Deccan against all odds , fighting against the mighty Mughals.He inspired and united the common man to fight against the tyranny of Mughal ruler Aurangjeb, by inculcating a sense of pride and nationality in them.
At the age of 16, he took a pledge to establish a sovereign Hindu state.He clearly outstands all the rulers and generals of India by the exemplary life he lived and is thus respected by the entire cross section of Indians. Shivaji's military skills could be compared to those of Napolean.
He raised a strong army and navy, constructed and repaired forts, used gureilla warfare tactics,developed a strong intelligence network,gave equal treatment to the people from all religions and castes based on merit, and functioned like a seasoned Statesman and General. He appointed ministers with specific functions such as Internal security,Foreign affairs,Finance,Law and Justice,Religious matters,Defence etc.
He introduced systems in revenue collection and warned the officials against harassment of subjects.He thought ahead of times and was a true visionary.In his private life, his moral virtues were exceptionally high.His thoughts and deeds were inspired by the teachings of his mother Jijabai, his teachers, great saints like Dnyaneshwar & Tukaram and the valiancy and ideals of the Lords Rama and Krishna.
The tiny kingdom established by Chhatrapati Shivaji known as "Hindavi Swaraja" (Sovereign Hindu state) grew and spread beyond Attock in Northwest India (now in Pakistan)and beyond Cuttack in East India in course of time, to become the strongest power in India. After the death of Chhatrapati Shivaji & his son Sambhaji, their prime ministers or ‘the Peshwas' became the defacto rulers. The Peshwas and the Maratha Sardars (Chieftans) like Shindes of Gwalior, Gaekwads of Baroda & Holkars of Indore contributed to the growth of the Maratha Confederacy.
The history of India is incomplete without the history of Marathas and Shivaji is the nucleus of Maratha history. Shivaji has been a source of inspiration and pride to the past generations and will continue to inspire generations in future. We salute this legend and humbly dedicate this website to him.

Marathas are a blend of the Warrior and Agrarian classes, speaking Marathi and generally having their roots in Maharashtra. They are also found in large Nos in Karnataka, Goa, and Madhya Pradesh & Gujarat. There are contradictory theories about the Historic origins of Marathas and hence are not discussed here.
A few Maratha clans claim themselves to be Kshatriyas (Warriors). Some such families were the Bhosales, Ghorpades, Jadhavs, Nimbalkars, Mores, Manes, Ghatges, Dafleys, Sawants, Shirkes, Mahadiks and the Mohites. The prominent Maratha families mentioned above were serving under the Nizam Shah of Ahmednagar and Adil Shah of Bijapur. These families are generally referred as the 96 clans or kulis which comprise of 96 different main clans with their different sub clans. Marathas are descendents of Rashtrakuts, Mauryas, Pariharas/Parmar (Pawar), Pratiharas, Shilahars, Kadambas, Yadavas, Chalukyas and many other royal clans in India.
Maloji Bhosale (c.1552-1606) then the patil of verul joined Nizam Shah with a small band of cavalry. His son, Shahaji (1599-1664) served under Nizam Shah and Adil Shah, and came to prominence as a leading General. His son Shivaji (1627-1680) established the Hindavi Swarajya (Sovereign Hindu state), which happened to be the nucleus of the Maratha power that came into being later on. The Marathas, who had been till then serving as Deshmukhs (Jagirdars) to the Muslim rules, now had their own king and kingdom.
The majority of Marathas, however belong to the peasantry class. The dividing line between the Kshatriya classes and the peasantry classes has become thin with the passage of time.A lot of matrimonial alliances are also taking place amongst them, unlike those in North or South India. The Maratha army and the administration also had people from all castes taking pride in it.
The fanatic Brahmins of those times had refused to coronate Chhatrapati Shivaji Maharaj and subsequently Rajarshi Shahu Maharaj of Kolhapur since they didn't consider Marathas, as 'Kshatriyas'. The Brahmins declared that 'Only Kshatriyas are entitled to be crowned as the Kings' and Marathas being 'Shudras' were not entitled to be crowned. Chhatrapati Shivaji brought Gagabhat of Varanasi to establish his lineage with the Sisodias (Rajputs) of Rajasthan & testify his being Kshatriya, whereas the great social reformer Rajarshi Shahu Maharaj extended the vedic rights to non brahmins and empowered them do the jobs of the brahmins.
Rajarshi Shahu realised the falacy in the caste system and corrected it by bringing all the sections of the society on one platform to fight this brahmin fanatism. Throughout his life, he struggled for the upliftment and education of the downtrodden. . It is a worthwhile to see the majority lot of Maharashtrians identifying themselves as Marathas. It is a case of inculcation of pride in masses, a case study for sociologists.
Marathas consider themselves to be the saviours of Hinduism who fought the onslaught of fanatic Mughal Emperor Aurangjeb. It is generally agreed by Historians that had the Maratha power not been there after the Mughals, the whole of India would have become Pakistan after Independence.
The death of Chhatrapti Shivaji in 1680 and his son Sambhaji in 1687 pushed the Maratha kingdom in the period of instability upto 1707. The tiny Maratha kingdom , established by Chattrapati Shivaji was expanded by the Peshwas, who were the Brahmin Prime Ministers. The real credit for expanding the Maratha kingdom goes to Bajirao Peshwa I(1721-1740) . The Peshwas subsequently ruled the Maratha Kingdom as defacto rulers. The Maratha Sardars or chieftanslike Gaekwads of Baroda, Shindes of Gwalior, Holkars of Indore expanded the power in North India and became powerful after the Peshwas.They then established their own kingdoms.
At one time, the Marathas rule spread from Attock in Paktoonistan to Bengal (beyond Cuttack) in East India to become a Maratha confederacy. The Great Maratha, 'Mahadji Shinde' was the kingmaker at Delhi who played a dominant role in deciding the fate of Delhi rulers but never thought of occupying the throne for himself.
In the battle that took place near Delhi ,after the Mughal power declined, the Marathas conclusively defeated Afgan-Rohila forces led by Shah Abdali & Najib Khan in 1756. Najib Khan surrendered to the Marathas and became their prisoner. This battle liberated Punjab from the Muslim dominion after 800 years. The Marathas chased and drove the Afghans back to Afghanistan. Thereafter Najib Khan woed Malharrao Holkar to his side and in return secured his release. Thus Marathas released Najib Khan. He again invited Shah Abdali for his second invasion in 1759. Marathas formed alliance with the Jat King Suraj Mal of Bharatpur This alliance led by Shrimant Sadshiv Rao Bhau and Shrimant Vishwas Rao (the Peshwa Shrimant Balaji Baji Rao's son) won spectacular victories and captured Delhi and Kunjapura. This was the time when the entire North & Central India was in the Maratha Command.
Here the alliance developed cracks about handling of Delhi matters and ultimately split. Suraj Mal withdrew from the alliance. The Marathas then marched upto Panipat and blockedg the way of the Afghans back to Afghanistan, instead of continuing their attacks to completely defeat the partly defeated Abdali and Najib Khan. Seeing their way back to their homeland blocked, the Afghans in turn, blocked the way of the Marathas back into the Deccan. This standoff continued for a few months, while the Afghans cut-off all supplies to the huge Maratha army. The Afghans with Najib Khan meanwhile recaptured Delhi and Kunjpura.
On the decisive day of 14th January 1761, the Marathas decided to break-through the Afghan blockade and re-enter Deccan. The disastrous battle saw about one hundred thousand Maratha troops killed in a matter of eight hours. Nanasaheb Peshwe (Balaji Bajirao) lost his brother, Sadashivrao, and also his first son, Vishwasrao, in this battle. Nanashaeb , unable to bear the shock also died shortly. It was one of the worst defeats for Marathas, Hinduism & the Indian Nationalist Forces. The dream of bringing India under one unified Hindu rule was thus shattered. The Afghans too suffered heavy losses and decided enough was enough and went back to Afghanistan. Abdali never returned to India after this stormy campaign. The Peshwas also lost control on the Maratha empire thereafter and the Maratha Generals like Shindes (Gwalior) and Holkars (Indore) consolidated themselves after this, in the North & Central India.

The Marathas were at the forefront in the 1857 mutiny against the British and gave wholehearted support for the same. Though they could muster support from a few Hindu Kingdoms in the North, most of them refused to oblige them. The lack of planning, proper co-ordination within Hindu rulers, lack of diplomatic efforts, firearms & communication facilities led to the failure of this mutiny. The Marathas have also whole-heartedly supported the Independence movement especially the ‘Quit India’ movement of 1942 in large Numbers. Thus Marathas have carved out a place of pride for themselves in the History of India. It is a community of Natural Nationalists.
The Marathas hold 'Chhatrapati Shri Shivaji Maharaj' ,who brought pride to this community at a very high esteem. This community became dominant in the politics of Maharshtra State after the formation of a Marathi speaking Maharashtra state in 1960.The community has prospered through the effective use of co-operative movement and brought employment in rural areas by establishing Sugar Factories,Spinning Mills,Banks,Milk Dairies and other institutions in co-operative sector. The co-operative sector holds complete control over this community in the countryside.
Socially, the present day Marathas find themselves sandwiched between the Brahmins and Backward classes (including the Scheduled castes and tribes). The Brahmins acquired a higher social status thru the advancement made by them in Education, thereby acquiring good jobs in the private sector as well as the Government jobs and generally residing in towns & cities. The Backward classes got the Government jobs by virtue of their castes whereas the Brahmins overpowered them there in open competition. The only saving grace for this community is the small pieces of Ancestral lands they own and a few jobs created by them in the co-operative sector. The lands have also got reduced to a few thousand sq.ft (gunthas) over a period of time, due to family partitions. Though the present generation Maratha youth is taking education they find it difficult to get jobs competing with the Brahmins and other urban classes.
The leading lights of this community are Rajarshi Shahu Maharaj of Kolhapur, Late Sayajirao Gaekwad of Baroda ,Late Yashwantrao Chavan (Ex-Deputy PM),Late Vasantraodada Patil(Ex CM Maharshtra),Late Balasaheb Desai (Ex Home Min. Maharashtra ,Shri. Yeshwantrao Mohite (Ex-Fin Min of Maharashtra),Prof. Shivajirao Bhosale,Late Vithalrao Vikhe Patil,Late Shivajirao Patil (Mathadi workers Leader).In the present generation Sharad Pawar (Leader of NCP) occupies the prime position.
Attempts made by Late Shivajirao patil and now Mr Shasikant pawar to unite this commninity under the banner of ‘Akhil Bhartiya Maratha Mahasangh’ have met with little success. The idea of Maratha Mahasangh was to put forth the views of this community to the Government on a common platform.
Another organization ‘Maratha Sewa Sangh’ headed by Mr Purushottam Khedekar have formed a new Religion called ‘Shiv Dharma’on January 12, 2005. This was basically to oppose to the Brahmin oriented Hindu religion which is full of blind beliefs and superstitions, inculcated in the minds over generations. This religion has found very little or negligible support from the maratha community since it stands on Brahmin hatred rather than sound fundamental ideology. This religion seeems to be a confused lot with social demands than religious or spiritual requirement.
Maratha, amongst other things demand for "Reservation of seats in Government jobs & Educational institutions based on Economic considerations rather than Caste basis". A point the 'meritorious'amongst the forward castes have been making for so long.
Marathas disillusioned with reservations for socialy backward classes and being pushed to the corner by the urbanised forward communities have demanded reservation for them in the backward classes which is opposed by the OBC's. Mr. Pratsingh Jadhav editor of Daily Pudhari has now taken up the cause with Maratha organisations. There is hardly any Maratha IAS/IPS officer through the UPSC channel whereas the SC officers like Sh.R.S.Gavai have made it to the position of Chief Secretary (Govt. Of Maharashtra)
The Marathas have by and large peacefully accepted the social changes due to the Shahu-Ambedkar -Phule legacy and their own 'Bahujan Samaj' concept(i.e taking all sections of the society together). A word very often referred by politicians and used by Sh.Kanshiram for his political party. He was influenced with 'Bahujan Samaj' concept in Maharshtra while working at Ordnance Factory Khadki, Pune.Maratha's do not find place in the top 200 industrial or business families in the country.
Present day Marathas find it difficult to accept the reservations extended to the creamy layers amongst the backward classes and the second generation of those who have availed the benefit once, whereas a maratha student coming from a lower middle class/poor family is denied the seat due to his caste. The going goes tough for Marathas as jobs in pulic as well as private sector are shrinking and they are getting hit where it matters the most; in employment. Still the community continues to live with pride inheriting the rich legacy and history.